Tuesday 12 April 2016

We Are Who We Are

Hello blogging world! I know it's been a long, long while. I have written poetry throughout this extended departure. And I'm back to share some of it with you, Internet Friends!

We Are Who We Are

The Engineer
Builds and creates.
He solves the problems,
He fixes.

The Mediator 
Calmly compromises 
Between multiple sides
In order to resolve
An issue

The Wall.
An inhibitor,
Stopping the flow of
The balance.
But of no fault of her own

Of ourselves
And each other,
In who we are,
What we do,
How we do it.
A lesson that needs to be learned
But also,
In creating variations of oneself
So as to not completely 
But at least
Try to make things better.

Tuesday 25 February 2014

A Never-ending Cycle

Never-ending Cycle

Is doomed to repeat itself
A statement
That could not be more true
Than truth itself

All have been made
Yet many more to come
Guilt resides
In every part of my being

Thought of
Not ever carried out
For fear
Of failure

But failure
Makes one
Stand on their own feet
As they learn
And move onward

Lessons are learned
By trial
And error
And standing up

But I believe
I speak some truth
When I say
That most
Are the ones
Are repeated
And again
And again once more.

Monday 20 January 2014

A Wonderful Journey

In English, my class had to write sonnets and a friend of mine's really caught my attention. It's very creative and witty. I hope you enjoy it!

I shall try to explain what I mean to this world
As I attempt this, you must collect all clues
I give happiness to all boys and girls
I spread joy and give everyone the blues

I take you to all magical places
I give you the mighty gift of laughter
Meeting people with many new faces
Informing you what happens thereafter

But that is not the only thing I do
As I can take many dark twists and turns
Filling you with misery and dead hopes too
Engulfing you in pain, for freedom one yearns

The tale ends no, as I do what I please
What am I? You may ask, a book, you see.

Monday 13 January 2014

A Flourish of Hate

My brother and I sat down and wrote a poem together. This is what we ended up with. Any thoughts?
What do you think we are referring to?

As I stepped out of the ruins,
I saw one of their kin;
A monster,
A murderer,
Who had, and will continue to, take many
Innocent lives.

He raised his arm, whose hand
Held a rifle,
But with a push and shove
I threw it aside
As my rage took over
And I went to the Beyond.

Rage aside,
I had only one task
Ahead of me.
As one last
Flourish of hate
Swept through me,
I picked up a rifle from a dead soldier
And shot him
Straight through his cold-blooded

My task,
Now completed.

Friday 22 November 2013

My Anonymous

I'm SO sorry it's been too long since I last posted a poem but I'm back now! And hopefully with some nice new ideas. If anyone has any suggestions, as you know, please comment to let me know.
Here's my latest poem for you and I, personally, am not too big a fan of love poems and whatnot but I was reading a novel and it just came to me. It's not extra cheesy but somewhere along the lines of a love poem. Thoughts?

She told me, "don't leave the house, it's not safe."
So of course, I leave the house
Doors are locked, I'm in the wild
Walking to the city, feeling something
Behind me
When I turn, nothing's there
Suddenly, I get tangles up in vines, someone cuts me out
Though when I turn, I see
No one
In the city, strange men give me things
One step and all I see
I awake, one worried face above me, my cure
I blink, the face disappears
I get up, walk, think, remember
That face
That reminds me of home
Who protects me without me knowing
Who seems to be with me without being there
I think of the face
And look up to see
Home, I'm home, safe
Running to the porch,
I see him
The face
And I realize, I've always been home
Always been safe,
When I was hurt, when I was caught, when I was in danger
My anonymous was always there

Thursday 12 September 2013

That One Thing

I know that sometimes, what I write isn't necessarily poetry but my definition of poetry includes expressing one's feelings and this is how I feel. Not always as poetic as a person may think poetry to be. 

The joy in doing that one thing
Where you forget everything else
Any tests, any problems, any stress
In losing yourself to something that is not harmful to you
Yet is still your drug
Something that you are positively addicted to
Think of the power in that one thing
That one thing that you would give almost anything to never stop
For one, that one thing may be taking pictures of early blooming flowers in cool mornings
Or speaking to huge, enthusiastic crowds
Or dancing to your favorite song
Or even simply reading a book
But in the end
It is
That one thing
That is our motivation
To just keep on going
To go to sleep at night to wake up to a brilliant sunrise
To keep on working everyday for seven straight hours
Or to just take another step forward
That one thing
That fuels us under the sun and lets us rest beneath the moon
That one thing
Making our day and keeping a smile on our face
Even on the gloomiest days
That one thing
Makes such a difference

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Puzzling Words

The last piece of advice
Do not go gently in to the good night

Infinite thoughts, endless nights
What has this been advised for?
Who? When? Why?

It took many evening walks and
Dreams in the day to understand
Those precious words
Seared in my mind, my heart, my soul

And the moment I realized what
They mean, I kept faith in them
What they meant for me to never forget
Was to keep on fighting

For those I loved, for my beliefs,
For truth, and most of all,
To never stop fighting
For myself

For no one can control us